Ready to create your Christmas Card? Good! That’s what we like to hear! Our team has been busy creating our own family’s cards. We each have our very favorite design selected and photos chosen but nearly every one of us hit a stumbling block when the time has come to actually write our card. A few samples of recent overheard conversations:

“I mean…do I really have to put my kid’s ages on? Don’t people know how old they are?”

“Is it weird to include an update on ME  or do you think people just want to hear about my kids?”

“I feel like I should say something about the dog dying but is that awful to put on a Christmas card?!”

“Can somebody write a closing for me?! I don’t know how to end this thing!”

As you can see, even we (the stationery experts!) struggle with writing our Christmas cards! So, let’s make this easy. Here are the 7 things you must cover on this year’s card:

  1. What You’re Grateful for this Holiday

Start your letter with gratitude! Offering up a bit of thanks is a lovely way to begin your holiday greeting. For instance – “Merry Christmas from the Hart Family! As the holiday approaches, we’re so grateful for the never-ending love and support from our friends, family and community. We hope this greeting finds you healthy and full of holiday cheer!”.

  1. Recap the Kids and Their Ages

This might seem basic, but adding you children’s ages along with a little blurb about them is something your friends and family will appreciate. And guess what? So will you! When you look back at your cards 20 years from now, you’ll love having their ages noted throughout the years.  A quick example  – “Riley turned 6 in April. She started first grade this year and has discovered a new passion for cooking. This kid is always in the kitchen! Mae is 14 months old and on move! She went from crawling to literally running circles around us. She loves avocados and her big sister”.  You can also note ages under a photo or in your letter closing like this – “Riley (6) and Mae (14 months) “.

  1. Include the Pets

If you have a furry friend (or scaly friend), be sure to give them a shout-out. “Our labradoodle, Sam, is everyone’s best friend and favorite cuddle partner.”

  1. Updates on YOU

Yes, your friends and family want to hear about what you and your significant other are up to as well! If you don’t have children, or your kids are grown, then by all means share everything you wish to! Be sure to cover any career updates as well as something a little more fun. For instance –  “I continue to live the dream as a project coordinator at Harmon Automotive! But for real, I love my co-workers and my job. Frank began his fourth year as a Kindergarten teacher at Redwood Elementary. We both stay busy with the girls but find time to pursue our own hobbies as well. I’ve discovered a love for knitting and Frank got his recreational drone license. Duck and cover, people!”.

  1. Major Life Events: New Baby, Moves, Graduation, Family Loss, Etc.

It seems obvious that you’ll include any news about a new baby or cross country move, but a tragedy? Should you write about that in your Christmas card? If it’s made an impact on your year, and you want to share it with loved ones, then yes. “We lost Frank’s mom, Silvia, in July. The loss has been heartbreaking for our entire family. We carry our cherished memories and deep love for Silvia in our hearts every single day.

  1. Vacations

If you took a fun vacation this year, mention it! Your loved ones will like hearing about your adventures. “In August, we took a family vacation to San Diego. The girls dipped their toes in the ocean and explored the zoo. It. Was. Fabulous!”.

  1. Wishes for the New Year

Declare what you’re most looking forward to in the upcoming year. This is also a great way to close your letter. “Our wishes for the New Year include nights of uninterrupted sleep, lots of snow days, a visit from the tooth fairy and…well, all the avocados”.


That’s it! Well, that’s almost it. Remember to sign your card with a heartfelt signature. Our favorites include:

with love and joy,

The Hart Family


all our love this Christmas and always,

The Hart Family


Blessings and peace,

The Hart Family


Now that you know what you’re going to write in your holiday card, have you considered when to send it? Be sure to order early so you have plenty of time to stuff those envelopes and drop them in the mail! Happy card creating!